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Online Article Submission Sites What is your Target Market

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Online article submission sites are an interesting business model in this Internet Information Age and as things continue to evolve we will definitely watch this sub-sector evolve and expand into the future. But what is the Target Market of an online article submission site?

Well it is many all rolled into one. On one hand there is the Ad Revenues and therefore it pays to have articles, which pay the highest in AdSense Revenues. Things like Regional Lawyers, Fractional Jets and Specific Industry Consultants or Equipment Manufacturers.

Then of course there are the articles themselves, yes you have to get the volume to make it all work and therefore your target market is writers, who must also benefit. But if they benefit too much, then the online article submission site benefits less in AdSense revenue, so both compete for the traffic in a way. It makes to consider writers who properly key word and title as to get the most bang for the buck and traffic to the site.

Some online article submission sites peddle their content to others on a syndication fee and there is another revenue stream potential and another target market. Let us say Ezines, Websites or even print media. Again another target market. So in essence online article submission sites are in a constant balancing act all the time.

As things change the online article submission site entrepreneur needs to be careful to be all things to all targets and constantly look for additional targets to exploit as more niche players attempt to get a bigger piece of the expanding pie. Consider all this in 2006.




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