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Build Content while you learn. The objective is the same as ever, you need content for your website, your blog, or your article marketing aspirations. Where can you get it, you have a life to live, work to do, and this isn't a billable project?

My interests vary from day to day; my job occasionally changes. I work from home, so I often do a variety of billable projects, and I have to know a lot of 'stuff? for that work. So, some of my time is spent educating myself to do the work I have to do.

I learn best when applying what I'm learning to something I write. My answer is to keep detailed notes about whatever I'm learning. Those notes are kept in a ?tickler file? as an article builder on my computer. If I write them into the computer as I'm taking them, I only have to type much of it one time. That saves me time, makes my articles easier to write, and keeps me focused on each topic as I'm writing.

By lining up those notes in an article file specifically labeled for that topic, I can have ready access to article ready fodder at any given time without a lot of searching.

Once an article on that topic is written, I label it as 'publication ready' and put it in a different file. Once it's been published, I place it in a file labeled ?published?. By noting at the bottom of my file, or in a card file on my desk (I use both) where I've published my work, I always have ready reference to direct clients, business associates, or others to my work online, or in a publication. And I know specifically what information they will be receiving.

By keeping a file drawer with specific topics by label and filing data collected on those topics in the appropriate drawer, you always have ready access to new article topics right there at your fingertips.

Don't miss an article opportunity because you aren't sure what to write about. Always have a project in process, and moving toward the finish line (Publication of course).

Copyright 2005 - Jan Verhoeff

Know your content builders and learn more about designing, maintaining and building your website or blog. Build content surrounding your interests and business. http://webxpertz.blogspot.com




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