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What is article marketing?

Article marketing is a clever method of promoting a product or service through the use of articles. You simply write articles relating to your expertise. After you've created an article, you share your article with the world. Content is a valuable commodity on the Internet. If you provide good content, your article will likely be picked up for use in blogs, newsletters, lenses, portals and websites.

Article Marketing is an excellent way to promote a law firm. Law Firm articles can help establish credibility for your practice, help establish yourself as an expert in your field, brand your firm and lead potential clients to your firm. Also, since articles can be syndicated, there's an enormous potential to utilize articles to drive visitors to your law firm's website and to ultimately generate more business!

The following are some tips and ideas on how to write and promote your law firm articles.

Start with existing articles.

In many cases you may have articles you've written in the past that are still relevant. Why not dust those off and use them to market your firm? In most cases, the content is still relevant or could be easily adapted to fit current trends and conditions.

Write new articles.

Share your expertise by writing articles based on practice area topics for which you practice. For example, if you represent clients who have been involved in 18 wheeler accidents and would like to target more 18 wheeler cases, simply write an article about 18 wheeler accidents. To support your topic of choice, consult with research organizations and analysts. They provide detailed statistics, trends and information which can be referenced. Combine hard facts and data with your own experiences for a compelling article.

Keep articles relatively short.

Articles do not need to be lengthy. Many articles fall between 150 ? 500 words. Keeping it short is a good rule of thumb, particularly when the article is going to be viewed and read on the web. However, oftentimes, it's difficult to convey a message in so few words. In those cases, try to keep the topics under thousand words.

Find a Topic

Once you've decided to write an article, it may not be as easy to find a topic to write about. It helps to write about something you have a passion for. That passion will carry over into your article and in turn, produce a piece the reader will be compelled by.

One way to find a good topic for your article is to do some keyword research. If you are hoping to attract clients using the article, it helps to know which topics prospective clients are using to locate law firms and legal information pertaining to your practice area. There are a number of tools available on the web for keyword research. To locate them, search for the phrase ?keyword research? in your favorite search engine and you'll generate a whole wealth resources. You may also choose to hire an Internet marketing consultant to handle this task. Oftentimes consultants have the necessary tools and expertise to give you a clear understanding of topic you should be addressing.

Don't Forget Your Author Box

The author box consists of your personal biography, copyright notice, and a link back to your law firm's website. This should be kept brief. You want to state in the article box that permission is granted to re-publish this article online as long as the author box is left intact and as long as the hyperlink is linked to the correct website.

Not a writer? Have Someone Write an Article for You

It's quite possible that you don't have the time to write your own articles or maybe writing is not your forte. No problem. There are a number of consultants available who can do this task for you. It's referred to in the industry as ?ghost writing?. There are a number of quality professionals who specialize in copywriting and ghost writing. You simply convey your thoughts and expertise verbally or in written form and let these ?wordsmiths? do the rest.

Another suggestion is to tap into your law firm's internal resources. It's quite possible that someone on your staff is an excellent writer and can do the work for you.

Include a Picture

Including a picture reminds the reader that there is actually a person behind the article. It lends credibility to the article. Additionally, a photo helps brand yourself in your field with name and face recognition.

Share Your Article

Once you've written your article(s), you need to let people know that they are available for reading and re-publishing. There are a number of organizations or individuals who may choose to re-publish your article on their Blogs, MySpace, Squidoo Lenses, Websites and other online mediums.

To share your article, you need to submit it to any number of article syndication sites and article directories. These sites give authors the opportunity to dramatically increase traffic and exposure by syndicating to thousands of publishers almost instantaneously.

Search Engine Benefits

By sharing your article, you not only promote your name and brand, you increase your rankings with the major search engines.

Search engines determine rankings based on a number of factors. Two of those factors are incoming link popularity and keyword density. By including an active hyperlink in your author box for articles, you increase link popularity. Each time your article is re-published, you receive a one-way link back to your site! Also, if your article is on a particular topic with strategic use of keywords, your article is more likely to show up in top results with the search engines.

As a legal professional, it's critical to your success that you establish yourself as an expert in your field. By publishing quality articles with useful content, you WILL drive prospective clients to your firm and establish credibility that will secure more clients. Article marketing is one of the most powerful marketing methods available to lawyers ? and best of all, it's FREE!

?2006. Laurie A. Williams. Mrs. Williams is a veteran Internet marketer for the legal industry. She has been involved in Internet marketing to the legal industry for over 10 years. Please see her site, LegalMarketingPros.com for more tips, ideas and solutions for law firm internet marketing.

Permission is granted to re-publish this article as long as the copyright message remains the same and a link is provided back to http://www.LegalMarketingPros.com

By: Laurie Williams




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