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Ed Says Start an Audio Article Directory

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Wouldn't it be great if there was a place online where anybody could go and pick up an audio file or an audio article on any subject and simply press play and the audio article would start reading to you? You know, there are many online article submission web sites with written articles and would it be great if these online article web sites could also read to you? Recently, Mr. Ed Howes suggested that an online article directory would be a good thing for those who were blind or had limited sight.

You know Ed brings up a very good point. WHAT IF?.Yah, I know, here I go again?.What if?you could click on an authors articles on an online article submission web site and press; ?Read it to Me? and then after it was done, you could press ?NEXT? and then have the computer read all 7555 articles of mine?

They would get one heck of an education that way? You could really learn a ton of information. And if they went to the section or Category perhaps they could have each category read out loud one by one. They could pick the NEXT article in that category for the author or NEXT article in the category, or SKIP. Heck, think how much you could learn that way? And it would not matter if you were Blind, partially sighted or even doing something else at the time you see?

It frees up the visual section of the brain, which uses 60% of your mind's bandwidth. So you could just close your eyes and think. Wow, that would be an incredible accessibility tool for ALL HUMANKIND. No more digital divide, no more child left behind or a dolt for that matter. With current text to speech technologies perhaps it could even translated into a different language and we can reach all parts of the world. Consider all this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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