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Online Article Marketing Does Not Work says who

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There is a gargantuan controversy brewing over the unbelievable success of online article marketing. In fact the Internet is evolving and it appears that the Online Article Submission Category is next inline to overtake the BLOGS as the next new thing. One critic who claims to be in the know attacked the Founder of the number one Article Submission Site on the Internet; EzineArticles.com

He challenged the viability of the new evolving format and attacked the benefit of such sites and even went so far as to say that the top online submitting authors were in fact; ?poor writers.? He did not mention that the average human has a reading level of only the forth and sixth grade or that the IQ of the average American has recently slipped under 90. Regarding the challenge of proof for Article Marketing; The critics comment that the authors are not helped in their marketing by submitting articles thru their by-lines, is simply not so and anyone who writes articles as a promotion tool knows this.

Well this Solar Wind driven Category Five Hurricane debate has gotten to a point that I must comment. To date after just under 9-months of article writing, I personally have written 2902 articles not counting this one and have received no less than 707,000 article views and my web traffic is up by 3500%. So for one to say that online article marketing does not work, they are simply living on another planet or not writing articles on the premier website to make their message heard at EzineArticles. Think on this.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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