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Online Article Submission Sites See Trends in Society and Online Use First

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Can an online article website see trends in society? Sure, as people write what they are thinking about and writers are generally on the front of trends as we know. This fact was recently discussed on an online article submission website.

And well Indeed I tend to agree with this summation in that it appears the online article submission sites are the first to see trends in the changes in writing, communication, internet and society.

I believe this is because such sites dissects the viewer, reader, writer and industry or hobby sector and many of the top online article submission sites have also improved a lot in that all the so-called "Get Rich Quick? stuff is getting drown out by reality based content.

It seems to set the bar a little higher and the author's works are getting better actually, as is my writing, which I never thought to be very good actually, having got a D+ in journalism in Junior High School? Go figure? That was the worst grade I ever got in school and kind of set me back a notch in ego in those early years I tell ya!

Sociology in the present period could indeed learn a lot from the online article submission site's data on the Internet, as it seems like a mini-online over view of a wide cross section of activities, which explain who we are in the current society. Consider all this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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