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Today I was attacked, well not me personally, but all online article amateur authors. It appears a Ms. Lawrence some how believes that online article submission sites are no good and that the amateur authors who post their work are making it tough for professional writers to make a living? Well, I cannot believe what I am hearing, professional writers at the top of their game cannot compete with a bunch of G-darn amateurs now? What gives with that hopeless excuse; are you looking for pitty?

You know when I use to race motorcycles street bikes I learned to say "SEE YA!" in nine languages. That is apropos to this conversation indeed and before I ran a 4-minute mile in track during my college years, I use to hear snickers in the crowd too. I remember in little league they use to say to my brother; Hey batter, batter, batter, swing!

You know what I think about Ms. Lawrence’s comments and anyone who adopts that line of poppycock and utter hokum? Well, I think everywhere you go the weak hide behind the shrubbery, afraid to come out and instead shout some BS comment.

She should not start a war with me. A war of words or any other for that matter; call me the Turbo Steamroller, as this train is not stopping for anyone, if you are not on board you are eating crow. Online article submission site trend will continue and if professional writers cannot compete, so be it. Out with old and in with the new. Consider all this in 2006.




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