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Why should you write articles for a Christian audience? Christians everywhere are looking for good Christian web content, and when you write quality articles, you help provide that content. When you write Christian articles, you are providing yourself and your web site with web exposure. And when you write articles, you increase your own web credibility.

1) There is a dearth of good Christian articles on the web. Perhaps because there is a perception that there is not as much profit in a Christian consumer (I happen to think the opposite---if you have a quality product, the Christian consumer will purchase from you). Perhaps because the Christian author is not willing to place his articles on a secular web site. Perhaps because Christian authors feel compelled to ?water down? their article.

2) By writing to the Christian audience, you provide a much-needed service to the Christian Internet market. Many Christians are simply discouraged by the lack of good Christian content on the web, and thereby spend less time on the internet. By creating good content for a Christian audience, you can help increase the Christian market size.

3) By writing Christian articles and posting them to your own web site or blog, you add good quality content to your own site, helping to increase your search engine visibility.

4) When you write Christian articles and submit them to the various article directories, you create exposure for your own web site. Simply place a link back to your own web site at the end of the article, or in the resource box, whichever the particular article directory prefers. When your article is read, and the reader appreciates your content, they will often click through to your site, providing much-needed web traffic for you.

5) By writing Christian articles and submitting them to the various article databases and directories, you establish backlinks to your own website, which can help with some search engine rankings.

6) When you write Christian articles, you establish yourself as an authority on whichever Christian topic you write about. From your website, you can link to the particular article directories that accept your article, giving you and your web site added credibility.

7) We want your articles! When you write your articles, submit them to both the web site where you are reading this article, and to my website, listed below.

Sean Mize is a Christian Entrepreneur and Christian internet Marketer, and the author of ?The Christian Guide to Maximizing Your Time?, which can be ordered via Christian Success Network.

He also co-publishes a Christian Article Directory. To read articles or submit articles for inclusion in the directory, click here: Christian Article Bank

You have my permission to reprint and distribute this article as long as it is distributed in its entirety, including all links. ? Sean Mize 2006

By: Sean Mize




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