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Have you ever noticed that critics of writers are often more concerned with someone's spelling, punctuation and grammar over the content? You know it is interesting all the kudos for various author's good use of white space and formatting? You know that is just peachy and all that wonderful stuff.

But what I find of importance is when an author's content to be absolutely right on the money. What impresses me the most when reading business books is when the material is so good that I wonder if I had this book around when I started my company, how much further a long I would be today. When I read a business article that to me is paramount and although an article looks real pleasant, I think the kudos should go to an author's excellent advice, not only in their articles and books, but on there website as well.

I bet if more authors who wrote on business articles specialized in great advice and really solid content and if more small businesses listen to their advice then the Small Business failure Rate in the US would slow to a trickle. I bet if all free advice to small businesses was solid that the businesspeople in America would be radioing for take off clearance through air traffic control rather than stuck on their big wheels with sidewalk traffic.

So dear authors, yes your articles look killer, no doubt, but what impresses me is your awesome advice, so continue to give good advice to small business people to help them survive and thrive. Think on that.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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