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You may have the flashiest website on the internet or have the best offers on the web, but without visitors your efforts and skills are wasted. You need to generate traffic if your web presence is going to make its mark, and make you lots of money ! But how should you do this ?

You have probably found many websites which offer you the chance to generate millions of visits by simply signing up to a ?fool proof? system. Or you could spend hours of your valuable time clicking the ?NEXT? button on an autosurf site in an effort to generate ?reciprocal? visitors. These are just two methods of wasting your time and money.

However, one of the newest ways of promoting your site is growing in popularity at an amazing rate. All you have to do is write articles about something you know about - seem a bit too easy ? Articles don't have to be detailed, long and complex, and they definitely don't need to make you the next candidate for the Booker Prize ! Your article needs to be original though, ie, in your own words and not simply copied from somewhere else.

You must remember that articles do not write themselves and you have to put in a certain degree of effort. So what do you write about ? Think about your everyday life - is there something you do every day which would serve as a manual for someone else ? Could you write a simple guide on a subject you are familiar with. Did you find an ?easy way? to solve a problem, such as How to get your baby to sleep at night. Or what about a step by step guide to Teach your Parents how to use the Internet (please send me a copy of this please ?).

The information in your article must be presented in simple words - don't get too detailed or technical. Always ensure your words are spelt correctly, you will probably have a spell checker on your PC. If not, there are several free options available through Google. Always make sure your article has a really catchy title which encourages people to read it. Keep the content of your article to approx 500 - 750 words. Too long and the readers will not reach the end which is the important bit - that's where you include the URL of your website.

Whatever your article may be about, the art of article writing will enable you to encourage your readers to visit your website. But how ? Well, the majority of websites you submit articles to will allow you to 'sign? your work with not only your name but with a link to a website - YOUR website. Not only this, but you will be able to monitor how many people have read your article.

There are many fantastic ebooks which teach you how to write articles, where to submit them, and useful tools to get your articles seen. Go ahead and visit my site to see some of these. Once you publish your first article you will do it again and again continuing to spread the word about you and your business throughout the World Wide Web.

Jonathan Moss is an IT Professional and owner of http://thearticlestore.jvmuk.com website in the US and http://www.jvmuk.com site in the UK.

By: Jonathan Moss




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